Top 10 Best Gelato in Rome

Where to find the best gelato in Rome? The gelato scene in Rome continues to evolve. Get the scoop (yes I know, groan)!

gelato at fatamorganaA delectable cone of dark chocolate and almond at Fatamorgana, one of the best places to try gelato in Rome.

On a Mission to Find the Best Gelato in Rome

Since moving to Rome in 2001, I have made it my mission to seek out the best gelato in Rome . . . I am still on that mission. In fact, I often go back to my favorite spots for a lot of taste-testing and quality control. A lot.

But I am also always on the lookout for new, wonderful flavours, and better yet, new and fabulous gelaterias in Rome.

And I will be sharing all that I find here. It's hard work but someone's gotta do it. You're welcome!

What do I mean by "Best Gelato in Rome"?

How do you define "the best gelato"? Here's how I define it, and how I choose my top ten list of the best gelato in Rome.

It must be quality gelato, made from scratch, with all fresh, all natural ingredients. (Even better, when I can see the laboratory on site, even though, believe it or not, that is not always an indicator of truly artisanal gelato.)

gelato flavors at claudio torceI want to try every flavor at Il Gelato di Claudio Torcè
gelato ingredients at otalegQuality gelato ingredients on display at Otaleg
pistachio and dark chocolate gelato gelateria dei gracchiMy go-to gelato flavors at Gelateria dei Gracchi

When I taste it, I want to taste the exact flavor I ordered, nothing artificial.

If I want to go back to a gelateria over and over, to try more flavors, or sometimes just to have one of my favorite go-to flavors, that's a sign of the best gelato in Rome.

Finally, when I bring friends, family and clients, they all swoon as much as I do, that to me is what constitutes the best gelato in Rome.

How to know if gelato is real or fake?

Before I could name anything best gelato in Rome, I had to have parameters for understanding what gelato in Rome is all about.

Now that there is some excellent gelato in Rome, it's gotten difficult to pick the 10 best gelaton in Rome. In fact, you will find plenty of superb gelato in a lot of suburbs and local neighborhoods. Most Romans can tell you where to get the best gelato in Rome in their hood, which may be far from the historic/touristic center. 

I am listing what for me are really the top 10, in gelaterie that are either easy for you to get to, or worth making the trip for.

Where to get the best gelato in Rome

Just below are my top 10 places for best gelato in Rome, followed by where I think are some more good options for gelato, even if they are not in my top ten. 

Top 10 Places for the best gelato in Rome

This list of my favorite gelato in Rome is not in any particular order. I love them all.

1. Neve di Latte

Neve di Latte is in a class by itself. I lied when I said these are not in order. This one is tops (sorry next 9)!

Neve di Latte, some of the best gelato in RomeHow to tell if gelato is amazing? Try simple flavors like fior di latte and hazelnut, like these. At Neve di Latte, for me the best gelato in Rome, you can taste these flavors at their absolute best!

A real working laboratory is right there so you can see the gelato being made. 

laboratory at neve di latteYou can see the gelato being made from scratch at Neve di Latte

Also, the master gelato maker himself, Simone Romano, is often on hand to tell you all about the gelato, if you ask.

Simone Romano of Neve di LatteSimone Romano, the genius gelato maker behind Neve di Latte, my favorite gelato in Rome

But you can tell just by looking at the gelato in the bins, what high quality it is. 

Neve di Latte gelato flavorsThe gelato at Neve di Latte is as gorgeous to look at as it is amazing to devour

They use the best quality ingredients (milk from Piemonte, Parisi eggs, Amadei chocolate), and like at Gelateria Otaleg (number 8 below), you can see these ingredients on display. 

ingredients in the all-natural gelato at Neve di LatteThey are not messing around with the ingredients over there at Neve di Latte

But it's not just the ingredients: there is something about the way it's made that gives it a smoothness, consistency of texture and flavor, and creaminess, that is perfect and irresistible. You cannot stop eating it and when you are done, you want more. 

The gelato at Neve di Latte is worth going out of your way for (it's not far from Piazza del Popolo, and right near the wonderful modern art museum Maxxi and the Rome Auditorium.)  And, as of 2019, they have a second location at Piazza Cavour, in Prati. Still sort of out of the way, and still worth going out of your way for.

I was going to say some of the best gelato in Rome on this side of town, but really, it is just some of the best. Period.

Details | Via Federico Cesi: 

  • Address: Via Federico Cesi, 1
  • Phone: +39 06 3260 9829
  • Opening hours: Monday-Thursday: 08:00-23:00 | Friday-Saturday: 08:00-24:00 |  Sunday: 08:00-23:00
  • Metro A Lepanto, or one of many buses that stop at Piazza Cavour

Details | Via Luigi Poletti: 

  • Address: Via Luigi Poletti, 6 
  • Phone: +39 06 320 8485
  • Opening hours: Monday-Sunday: 12:00-23:00
  • Tram 2 from Piazza del Popolo to Piazza Mancini
  • A perfect stop before or after visiting Maxxi Museum

2. I Caruso

At gelateria I Caruso, they have very few flavors, but whatever they have is always amazing. I sometimes try to get their "flavor of the day", but often find myself getting the simplest ones, because my mouth starts watering for them when I go in: pistachio and fior di panna (gelato made with the best plain cream. And that's it. So it had better be amazing or you will know it.)

They make the “perfect” pistachio: nutty, more brown-green than green, and super rich and creamy without being heavy. And it tastes just like smooth cold pistacchio nuts, as it should!

Fior di panna is not a flavor you find in every gelateria in Rome. Just the very good ones. And here, it's one of the best.

gelato of fior di panna and pistachio i carusoThis is some of the best gelato in Rome - fior di panna and pistacchio at i Caruso

This is also the only gelateria in Rome where I will get the strawberry gelato (in season only). It is not pink and milky, it's deep red and juicy and tastes like a bowl of frozen strawberries. It's simply outstanding.

At i Caruso, like many artisanal gelaterie, they also sell frozen gelato treats, like these chocolate-covered gelato popsicles

gelato laboratory i carusoThe gelato laboratory at i Caruso
frozen treats i caruso gelateriaFrozen treats at Gelateria i Caruso

Some of the best gelato in Rome for simple flavors, especially Fior di Panna.


  • Address: Via Collina, 13-15
  • Phone: +39 06 4549 4898
  • Opening hours: Monday-Thursday: 12:00-22:00 | Friday-Saturday: 12:00-24:00 | Sunday: 12:00-21:00
  • Just off via XX Settembre or via Piave, near Piazza Fiume 
  • Metro line A Termini or Repubblica

3. Günther Rohregger Gelato

By now I have become a huge fan of this gelato by maestro Günther Rohregger. It has become Alessandro's new favorite gelato in Rome (unlike me, he is not a gelato maniac, preferring pizza and fried goodies, but he loves this place, which says a lot!)

Everything here is wonderful, but the flavors that grab me the most are the buffalo milk gelato with pink pepper corns from Madagascar (yes, trust me!!); the caramel with Himalayan salt; and OMG the Indonesian cinnamon! I never knew I could be such a huge cinnamon gelato fan! Oh yeah, and the buffalo milk with chocolate nibs and black cherry. 

Punto Gelato in RomeThe flavors at Punto Gelato are unique and wonderful, a feast for the senses!

I first discovered how amazing this gelato is when I was invited to a (press-event) "vertical gelato tasting" there - yes that is as decadent as it sounds.

We started with the non-milk products, which were pretty much fruit sorbets (although there was a pistacchio and also a chocolate non-milk gelato, too.) Then we worked our way up to the creamier, denser and more complex flavors. I think I tasted over 25 flavors (they were little bites but still.)

Punto Gelato gelataio Günther RohreggerMaster "gelataio" Günther offering tastes of some of the astounding flavors at his gelateria

Why is this some of the best gelato in Rome? As Günther Rohregger explained: he is from the very north of Italy, and this is where the best milk and the best water are from. He uses only those products, and the very best ingredients to make his gelato.

Punto Gelato in RomeAt the Pantheon location of Punto Gelato, you are treated to a large display with more gelato choices than you know what to do with!

One of the most amazing things about this gelato is their website: There, you can browse the flavors. Once you pick one that sounds good to you, they will actually tell you what other flavors go with the one you chose! It's really genius and unique! (Site is only in Italian but it's full of photos so easy to figure out.)

The best gelato in Rome when you want a creamy, milky gelato.

Lucky for us, there are 3 locations in central Rome!

Location near Pantheon  (called "Punto Gelato") 

Location near Campo dei Fiori (called "Punto Gelato"):

Location near Spanish Steps (called "The Taste"):


Fatamorgana is a local chain of gelato in Rome. They are in tucked away in little spots all over the city, thank goodness! That way I can multiply the number of times I can visit them.

I do a lot of taste-testing at Fatamorgana in January, when there is (almost) nobody else there. One winter I tried the seasonal flavor of panettone (typical Italian Christmas cake), which was a bid odd - it tasted exactly like panettone and frankly by January I am done with Christmas cakes. But that's an interesting concept and at Fatamorgana they are always experimenting and coming up with fascinating flavors.

Another neat flavor is banana-lime: holy-wow! Both the banana and the lime jump out in one bite. A keeper.

Recently I tried these two gelato flavors together: baklava (the greek/middle-eastern honey-nut pastry), and seadas (a traditional Sardinian dessert, which is a cheese filled pastry, fried and covered in honey, o.m.g.) Both flavors were swoon-worthy by themselves. Together, it was heaven in a cone!

gelato flavors fatamorganaSeadas gelato - one of so many original and fabulous flavors at Fatamorgana

And if you want to be adventurous (and have tried just about all the other flavors so are open to experimenting), go for some of the not-sweet flavors. On another evening outing I sampled these two flavors: Olive taggiasche (black olives), and basil-walnut-honey. The flavors were perfect! It felt like I was having a cold aperitivo. Was only missing a nice aperol spritz to go with it!

olive gelato and basil walnut gelato at fatamorganaDelicious and unusual gelato at Fatamorgana - olive taggiasche (black olives), and basil-honey-walnut. Like having an aperitivo!

Of course I always love their nutty flavors like almond or pistacchio. And their Madagascar chocolate is just as delicious as it sounds. (I have yet to venture to try the wintery "Kentucky" flavor of chocolate and tobacco. Maybe I will one day.)

Some of the best gelato in Rome that you can find easily around town.

Monti location 

Trastevere location

  • near viale Trastevere tram line
  • via Roma Libera, 11
  • Monday-Saturday: 12:30-21:30 | Sunday: 12:30-22:30

Piazza del Popolo/Spanish Steps location

Campo dei Fiori

  • via dei Chiavari, 37
  • Monday-Thursday: 12:00-23:00 | Friday-Saturday: 12:00-23:30 | Sunday: 12:00-23:00

Check the Fatamorgana website for all their locations.

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through a link on this page, I may receive a small commission - at no extra cost to you. Thank you for supporting my site!


I used to think that Gelateria dei Gracchi was a bit too out of my way to get to enough. But as it turns out, three things happened since I discovered them several years ago:

banana and coconut gelato gelateria dei gracchiCreamy banana gelato and flaky coconut gelato at Gelateria dei Gracchi
  1. Every single time I am anywhere near the Vatican, I beeline to this place, even going out of my way. And I am more than happy to wait my turn in line, because I know what awaits me.
  2. They opened a location right near the Spanish Steps/Piazza del Popolo.
gelato flavors gelateria dei gracchiMouth-watering gelato flavors on display at Gelateria dei Gracchi

So now let's talk about why I love this place. The gelato. It's amazing. All made from scratch daily, with all fresh ingredients. The kind of gelateria that always has a line out the door, and people willing to wait. Try it, you will see.

Some of the best gelato in Rome for nut flavors.

Vatican location

  • Via dei Gracchi, 272 
  • Metro A Lepanto
  • Monday-Thursday: 11:00-24:00 | Friday-Saturday: 11:00-00:30 | Sunday: 11:00-24:00

Spanish Steps/Piazza del Popolo location:

  • Via di Ripetta, 261
  • Metro A Flaminia
  • Monday-Thursday: 12:00-21:00 | Friday-Saturday: 12:00-23:00 | Sunday: 12:00-21:00

A more local Rome neighborhood:


When you first approach Gelateria del Teatro, you can already see why it's going to be good. There is a window on via dei Coronari, with many of the fresh ingredients used in their gelato, on display. Then you can see a guy right there chopping ingredients to make the gelato. The laboratory takes up half the store and you just know they are making serious gelato in here.

slicing figs for gelato at gelateria il teatroSlicing figs for fig gelato at Gelateria del Teatro

I love this gelateria because they have some of the best of my go-to taste-test nut flavors: pistacchio, almond, hazelnut.

But they also get creative, with wonderful success. So sometimes I try their seasonal or experimental flavors and am always happy I did. (Although the pumpkin flavor in January was a bit too Thanksgiving-y for me by then.)

gelato flavors at gelateria del teatroAn abundance of fabulous flavors to choose from at Gelateria del Teatro

Let's talk about their white chocolate with fresh basil. It's sublime. The basil gets cooked down so it's not sharp, and so you can taste both the herb and the white chocolate side by side. This is one of those gelato flavors that actually does have a bright green color, but naturally, not from any dye or additive. Truly artistic gelato in Rome! 

In summer, I've also tried their lavender and white peach gelato, and fig almond. Um, yeah both those flavors are as outrageous as they sound!

If you are here at the end of summer, and they have these flavors, give them a try.

white chocolate basil gelato gelateria del teatroWhite chocolate basil gelato (plus coffee gelato) and whipped cream
lavendar white peach gelato and fig almond gelato gelateria del teatroFantastic combo of lavender white peach gelato with fig almond gelato

Some of the best gelato in Rome in the historic center.

For more gelato in the area, check my page about where to eat near Piazza Navona.

Via dei Coronari location:

A second, smaller location:

  • Lungotevere dei Vallati, 25
  • Not far from the Isola Tiberina
  • Monday-Thursday: 11:30-23:30 | Friday-Saturday: 11:30-24:00 | Sunday: 11:30-23:30


Claudio Torcè is known among Rome foodies (I really don't like this overused term but what else to call all the people who seriously follow and write about food in Rome?) as the head honcho of gelato.

gelato cone from il gelato di claudio torce"Fantasia di Bronte" (a blend of pistachio, almond and pine nut) and fior di panna, at Il Gelato di Claudio Torcè

I first visited his flagship store several years ago in EUR (a city/suburb just south of Rome), by chance, before I even knew how special it was.

This was also before the new trend of treating gelato like a gourmet food.

I was amazed at the flavors listed there: wasabi; rice with cinnamon and honey (this was yummy, even if mild); cashew and beer (I will have to try that another time), and so many more, sweet, savory, spicy, cheesy, you name it!

They also have many classic flavors, but in huge varieties.

There are more chocolate flavors than even I know what to do with! 

gelato flavors on display at il gelato di claudio torceA mind-boggling selection of gorgeous gelato flavors at Il Gelato di Claudio Torcè

He's really the one who put interesting gelato on the map, going to new lengths to create new, strange and wonderful flavors that didn't seem feasible.

il gelato di claudio torce interiorIl Gelato di Claudio Torcè on viale Aventino in Rome

Only at Claudio Torcè can you try the gelato flavor of hotdog (wurstel), ketchup and mayonnaise (no I have not brought myself to try that one yet.)

What I can tell you is that when you see a gelato flavor here, like carbonara, expect the gelato to taste Just. Like. That.

Some of the best gelato in Rome for inventive original flavors.


  • Viale Aventìno, 59
  • Metro B Circo Massimo
  • Monday-Tuesday 11:00-21:00 | Wednesday-Sunday: 12:00-24:00

For more locations a little more outside Rome center, visit their website.

Is this page making you hungry?

Why not sign up for a gelato-making class, or a gelato food tour in Rome?

8. Otaleg

Otaleg ("gelato" spelled backward), may be one of the places for the best gelato in Rome when you're looking for original flavors.

banana, almond and pistachio gelato at otalegThe perfect trifecta - banana, almond and pistachio gelato at Otaleg

The master gelataio (gelato-maker) Marco Radicioni has taken gelato-creation to new heights of inventiveness and outrageous deliciousness.

If you are looking for parmesan + balsamic gelato, you've come to the right place.

Along with the other maestro of gelato, Claudio Torcè, these may be the two most interesting gelaterie in Rome if you really want to take taste-testing to another level.

creative gelato flavors at otalegA dazzling, mouth-watering array of flavors at Gelateria Otaleg

Or, you can just have a cup of pecan gelato and salty hazelnut honey crunch gelato, topped with freshly whipped panna, like I did on my last visit. Swoon city. 

salty hazelnut crunch and pecan gelato otalegSalty hazelnut crunch gelato and pecan gelato with freshly made whipped cream, at Otaleg. I dream of this.

The best gelato in Rome that's worth going out of your way for (even if now, it's more accessible in Trastevere.)


9. Ciampini

Ciampini has long been the secret vice of Romans in the know. After a recent renovation, they've expanded and now have a second gelateria, literally a stone's throw from the first.

ciampini gelatoMany Romans consider Ciampini to be some of the best gelato in Rome.

You may want to pop into the where-everyone-knows-your-name cafe (if you're a local, that is!) right on the piazza.

Ciampini cafe - where Romans in the know go for their gelatoCiampini cafe is already an institution for Roman locals. And so too is their gelato.

Or, you can visit the dedicated Ciampini Lab, just on the corner.

Either way, you will be treated to gelato at its simplest and at its finest.


Ciampini LAB: 

Ciampini lab gelato in romeAt Ciampini Lab, you can see the gelato being made
frozen goodies at ciampini labFrozen treats at Ciampini Lab in Rome

The best gelato in Rome if you're looking for old-fashioned goodness.

For more places to get gelato in the area, visit my page about where to get gelato near the Pantheon or my page about where to get gelato near the Spanish Steps.


Even if you are not staying anywhere near this gelateria, find a way to go out of your way. 

gelato at la gourmandise in romeAt La Gourmadise you can taste scrumptious flavor combos like in this cup - salt-encrusted almonds, and cream with orange zest. Oh and that's fresh whipped cream on top. Of course!

Like Neve di Latte and Otaleg, La Gourmandise is not in the historic or touristic center of Rome. And like those two, it's unlike any other gelato you will try.

Check out the video my super vlogger friend Anastasiya made of our research adventure!

It's not just that the ingredients are the best quality possible, like Maltese goat's milk (which makes their milky gelato flavors easier to digest than gelato made with cow's or sheep's milk), and Valrhona chocolate.

It's not just that they make special flavors, using fruits and herbs in season.

wide variety of flavors at la gourmandise gelatoLook at the amazing flavors on display here. Its hard to choose, so I suggest multiple visits!

It's the way they combine these flavors, in unique and surprising ways that produces gelato flavors you wouldn't have thought possible.

Not to mention their scrumptious little parfait cups and gelato bon-bons, which alone are worth the trip.

Parfait cups of gelato at la gourmandise
Gelato-filled bonbons at La Gormandise

Some of the best gelato in Rome if you want to try adventurous and surprisingly delicious flavor combinations.

You left off my favorite gelato!

Yes, I know about these gelaterie that are also supposed to have the best gelato in Rome:

Mela e Cannella, Settimo Gelo, V-Ice and Come il Latte

As for Come il Latte, ok yes it's good but it's TOO milky. It literally tastes more like milk to me than anything else. I did not finish it. Go try it and see what you think.

V-Ice, hmmm, I tried it. I tried to like it. But their "dark 80% chocolate" was the color of a very milky chocolate and tasted as such. The almond was pretty good. But no wows, and no real itch to return.

As for the other two, I assure you once I try them, I will update this page!

As I've said above, opinions about the best gelato in Rome abound, especially among Romans, who know where to find the best in their neighborhood.

There is a lot of excellent gelato out there now. And if I've left off your favorite candidate for the best gelato in Rome, please let me know and I'll be glad to check it out! All in the name of research of course.

Some more very good gelato in Rome

Did I mention I do a lot of gelato tasting in Rome? The below are places I like, that have good gelato even if not all of them are truly artigianale. (As much as I love and appreciate genuine gelato, I am not a complete gelato snob.)

I don't go out of my way for these gelaterie. But if I am nearby and need a gelato (yes I am addicted), and one of my above faves is not right at hand, then I will stop at one of these.

La Romana

Gelateria La Romana has several locations around Rome. 

dark chocolate and nougat crunch gelato gelateria la romanaMy very first gelato at Gelateria La Romana - dark chocolate and nougat crunch. Delish!

And be prepared to wait in line, at each and every one of them. Even in January.

gelateria la romana queue in winterI thought I'd check out Gelateria La Romana in winter...look at this line. Every time. There is a reason.

No, this is not truly artisanal gelato (despite the huge sign back there, and big machines on site.) But the gelato is very appealing and it's one of the few gelateria that has places to sit. And I think this is one reason there is always a line. But it is also yummy! So indulge.

Termini/Porta Pia


  • Via Ostiense, 48
  • Metro B, Piramide
  • Monday-Thursday: 13:00-24:00 | Friday-Saturday: 13:00-01:00 | Sunday: 12:00-24:00


il Gelatone

If you happen to be in this part of Monti neighborhoodil Gelatone gelateria is an excellent option for gelato. 

gelato flavors il gelatoneGelato flavors at Gelateria il Gelatone in Monti neighborhood

I don’t easily find green mint chip gelato in Rome, but they have it here and even though it's a bit too bright green (not entirely natural), it’s creamy and divine. This is also an excellent spot for vegan gelato.


Nope, Frigidarium is not artigianale

gelato frigidariumGelato flavors at Frigidarium - they are a little over the top, but they are also quite good!

But yes, it's creamy and yummy. And if you happen to be on this side of Piazza Navona, it's a nice break in summer. Just expect massive crowds and lots of tourists. 

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Luckily I live very close to RivaReno gelato in Rome, so I am able to do a lot of taste-testing here. There are only 2 in Rome, although it is an Italian franchise. They tell you on their site why their gelato is so good: they use whole milk from Piemonte, a region in northern Italy. They store their gelato in steel bins, below the counter, to keep air out and freshness in.

cone of madagascar vanilla and almond hazelnut praline gelato at riva renoThis cone of madagascar vanilla and almond hazelnut praline at Gelateria Riva Reno was beyond delicious

Love their classics (and they have dark chocolate and EXTRA dark chocolate, what more could you want?) but they also have some interesting and unexpected flavors too, like the Contessa flavor, full of  Sicilian almonds, amaretti biscuits, hazelnuts and caramelized almonds.

And while I try to adhere to eat American food only when I am in the US, it’s comforting to know that if I want to, at RivaReno, I could get the “New York – New York” flavor, which is essentially butter-pecan. But butter pecan gelato. Even better! The best gelato in Rome in the San Giovanni neighborhood

San Giovanni location:

  • Via Magna Grecia 25
  • Metro A San Giovanni
  • Monday-Friday: 12:00-24:00 | Saturday: 12:00-01:00 | Sunday: 12:00-24:00

Corso Trieste location:

  • Corso Trieste, 207
  • Monday-Thursday: 07:00-24:00 | Friday: 07:00-01:00 | Saturday: 07:00-02:00 | Sunday: 07:00-01:00

Tartufo at Tre Scalini

tartufo tre scaliniTartufo at Tre Scalini

Tre Scalini is not a gelateria per se.

It is a bar/café, and it’s right on Piazza Navona so a pretty touristy spot. But just because something is touristy does not mean it’s bad.

There is only one thing to get here: the chocolate tartufo.

I always get mine inside, standing at the bar (sitting on Piazza Navona and having one of these will cost you dearly). And I always share it with at least one other person.

It’s not entirely made of gelato, but has layer upon layer of varying smooth, creamy, crunchy, crispy, cold and melty chocolate things.

And a surprise in the middle.

Let’s just say that if you are a chocoholic, you must have this.

Want take a class in gelato-making in Rome?

What a great way to really learn about how to make the real thing!

Not the best gelato in Rome

Wait, isn't this some of the best gelato in Rome: FassiGiolitti, Gelateria della Palma? And how about Grom and San Crispino?

I don’t want to be negative about any gelato but those gelaterie to me are over-rated. 

Fassi (also called "Il Palazzo del Freddo") are reputed to be the first Sicilian gelateria in Rome. The gelato is fine but missing a dimension. There are also some pretty unnatural colors in there. Giolitti has been an icon for gelato in Rome for decades but I just don’t love it. It's also a chaotic scene there. Della Palma is worth going into, to see the mountains of gelato, and even the rest of the shop which is like a candy bazaar. But the gelato there is just ok.

gelateria giolitti in romeThe chaotic scene at Giolitti gelateria - good gelato, just not my fave

The following gelaterie indeed (presumably) were famed for making fresh gelato from scratch. It has come to light that this is not entirely true. But they are both high on everyone's lists for the best gelato in Rome. But that doesn't mean I love them:

Grom - I don’t understand why this is so popular. It’s an international chain (I just saw one in New York), and apparently very popular. I tried four different flavors, each one more banal than the next.

San Crispino - Well I used to think they had the best gelato in Rome. Sorry but no longer. The gelato there is still good, but with such amazing and inventive places as Fatamorgana, Il Gelato di Claudio Torce, Gelateria del Teatro, I no longer seek out or even think much about San Crispino. And now that I know better, I find them over-priced for what you get. And they got a little too full of themselves, no longer allowing tastes, and with staff much less friendly than before. 

Best gelato in Rome - a map

Click here to visit my interactive Google map showing all the places listed on this page. It will open in a new window.

I've included in this map the ten gelaterie named in my 10 Best Gelato in Rome list above. I also added some of the other good places for gelato in Rome (you can view the two lists separately.)

Want to share this page of the Best Gelato in Rome on Pinterest? Pin it here!

Looking for the best gelato in Rome? You've come to the right place!

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